

作者:林翠华   发表于:
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  Dear Li Hua,

  亲爱的李华:I hope this letter finds you in high spirits and excitement as your graduation ceremony approaches. I heard the news from your mom, who couldn't contain her joy when she shared it with me. Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your life!

  随着毕业典礼的临近,我希望这封信能让你精神抖擞,兴奋不已。我是从你妈妈那里听到这个消息的,当她和我分享这个消息时,她无法抑制自己的喜悦。祝贺你达到了人生的里程碑!Now, let me tell you a little secret. Do you remember our first day of high school? We were both nervous wrecks, stumbling through the hallways, trying to find our classrooms. And look at us now, about to embark on a new journey after completing this chapter. Time flies, doesn't it?

  现在,让我告诉你一个小秘密。你还记得我们上高中的第一天吗?我们都很紧张,跌跌撞撞地穿过走廊,试图找到我们的教室。看看现在的我们,在完成这一章之后,即将踏上新的旅程。时间过得真快,不是吗?Speaking of time, I can't help but reminisce about all the fun and laughter we shared during these years. From our mischievous pranks during chemistry class to our impromptu dance-offs in the cafeteria, we've certainly made some unforgettable memories. And let's not forget about our English teacher, Mr. Johnson, who always managed to make Shakespeare sound like a stand-up comedy routine. Oh, the joys of high school!

  说到时间,我不禁回忆起这些年来我们一起分享的欢乐和笑声。从我们在化学课上的恶作剧到我们在自助餐厅的即兴舞蹈,我们确实留下了一些难忘的回忆。我们也不要忘了我们的英语老师约翰逊先生,他总是能把莎士比亚的作品讲得像单口相声。哦,高中的乐趣!let's talk about your graduation ceremony. I'm sure you're wondering what to wear. Well, my dear friend, this is your time to shine, quite literally! I suggest you wear something that screams, 'I am the star of the show!' Maybe a glittery gown with matching sneakers? Or how about a top hat and a cape? The possibilities are endless! Just make sure you stand out from the crowd and make a grand entrance. After all, this is your moment to bask in the spotlight.

  我们来谈谈你的毕业典礼。我肯定你在想该穿什么。好了,我亲爱的朋友,这是你发光的时候了,真的!我建议你穿一些能让人尖叫的衣服,“我是这场秀的明星!”也许是一件闪闪发光的礼服搭配一双运动鞋?或者大礼帽和斗篷怎么样?可能性是无限的!只要确保你从人群中脱颖而出,并华丽地入场。毕竟,这是你沐浴在聚光灯下的时刻。As for the speeches and performances, I hope they don't bore you to tears. We all know how those can drag on and on. But fear not! I have a foolproof plan to keep you entertained. Bring a small notepad and a pen with you. Every time someone says a cliché line like 'Our future is bright' or 'The world is our oyster,' make a tally mark. I guarantee you'll have a full page of tally marks by the end of the ceremony. And remember, the person with the most tally marks wins a lifetime supply of cheesy graduation quotes!

  至于演讲和表演,我希望他们不会让你厌烦得流泪。我们都知道这些事情会拖得很长。但是不要害怕!我有个万无一失的计划让你开心。带上一个小记事本和一支笔。每当有人说出诸如“我们的未来是光明的”或“世界是我们的”之类的陈词滥调时,做一个计数标记。我保证在典礼结束时你会有一页完整的记分表。记住,得分最高的人将赢得终身的毕业名言!Jokes aside, Li Hua, I am incredibly proud of you. You have worked hard, overcome challenges, and grown into a remarkable young woman. Your graduation is not just a celebration of academic achievements but also a testament to your resilience and determination. As you move forward, remember to embrace new experiences, chase your dreams, and never forget the friendships forged in the halls of our beloved high school.

  别开玩笑了,李华,我真为你感到骄傲。你努力工作,克服挑战,成长为一位了不起的年轻女性。你们的毕业不仅是对学术成就的庆祝,也是对你们韧性和决心的证明。在你们前进的道路上,记得拥抱新的体验,追逐梦想,永远不要忘记在我们深爱的高中校园里结下的友谊。Congratulations once again, Li Hua. May your graduation ceremony be the start of a bright and promising future!

  再次祝贺你,李华。愿你的毕业典礼是一个光明前途的开始!With lots of love and laughter,[Your Name]



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