

作者:林翠华   发表于:
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级别: 文学秀才   总稿:41334篇,  月稿:0

  Dear Li Hua,

  亲爱的李华:How is life treating you back in China? I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It feels like ages since we last saw each other! I couldn't help but sit down and write you a letter filled with greetings and nostalgia.

  你在中国过得怎么样?我希望写这封信时你身体健康,精神抖擞。感觉我们好久没见面了!我忍不住坐下来,给你写了一封充满问候和怀念的信。First and foremost, I want to say how much I miss you here in our little corner of the world. Without your hilarious jokes and contagious laughter, our days have been a little less colorful. Remember when we used to disrupt the whole class with our witty banter? Oh, those were the days!

  首先,我想说,在我们这个小小的世界角落里,我是多么想念你们。没有你令人捧腹的笑话和富有感染力的笑声,我们的日子少了几分丰富多彩。还记得我们过去常常用诙谐的玩笑扰乱整个班级吗?啊,那些日子啊!Speaking of memories, do you still remember our adventures during our high school days? From sneaking out of the dormitory at night to explore the city, to having our first taste of spicy Sichuan hotpot, we shared so many unforgettable moments together. These memories always bring a smile to my face and remind me of the bond we share.

  说到回忆,你还记得我们高中时代的冒险经历吗?从晚上溜出宿舍探索城市,到第一次品尝四川麻辣火锅,我们一起分享了许多难忘的时刻。这些回忆总是给我带来微笑,让我想起我们之间的纽带。I heard you've been experiencing a bit of culture shock since returning to China. Well, I can't say I'm surprised! After all, living abroad for so long must have made you accustomed to a different lifestyle. Don't worry, though. You'll adjust in no time, just like you did when you first arrived in our foreign land. Remember how you conquered the language barrier and quickly became fluent in English? I have no doubt that you'll overcome any challenges with your usual determination and resilience.

  我听说你回国后经历了一些文化冲击。嗯,我不能说我很惊讶!毕竟,在国外生活了这么久,你一定习惯了一种不同的生活方式。不过别担心。你很快就会适应的,就像你第一次来到这片陌生的土地时一样。还记得你是如何克服语言障碍,迅速说一口流利的英语吗?我毫不怀疑你会以你一贯的决心和韧性克服任何挑战。As you settle back into Chinese life, I hope you find joy in reconnecting with old friends and family. There's nothing quite like the comfort of familiar faces and the warmth of loved ones. And don't forget to indulge in some authentic Chinese cuisine! I envy you for having access to all the delicious food that we can only dream of here.

  当你们重新适应中国生活时,我希望你们能找到与老朋友和家人重新联系的乐趣。没有什么能像熟悉的面孔带来的安慰和亲人的温暖。别忘了品尝一下地道的中国菜!我羡慕你能吃到所有我们在这里只能梦想的美味食物。Before I end this letter, I want you to know that no matter how far apart we are, our friendship remains as strong as ever. Distance may separate us physically, but it can never diminish the bond we've built over the years. So take care of yourself, my dear friend, and remember that you always have a home here with me. Don't forget to keep me updated on your adventures and new experiences in China!

  在我结束这封信之前,我想让你知道,无论我们相距多远,我们的友谊永远坚强。距离可能会让我们在身体上分离,但它永远不会削弱我们多年来建立的纽带。所以,照顾好你自己,我亲爱的朋友,记住,我这里永远是你的家。别忘了告诉我你在中国的冒险和新经历!I eagerly await your response, filled with stories and laughter.

  我热切地等待着你的回应,充满了故事和笑声。With warm regards,[Your Name]



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