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  The origin of the Double Ninth Festival

  Double Ninth Festival, golden autumn sends a cool, cinnamon fragrance. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the Double Ninth Festival has a variety of activities and strong interests. People will climb mountains, admire chrysanthemums, drink chrysanthemum wine, eat Double ninth cake, and wear Cornus officinale to celebrate the festival. Among them, I will introduce an ancient custom - "climbing high".


  It is said that the ancient folk had the custom of climbing heights on the Double Ninth Festival, so the festival was also called the "Climbing Festival". This custom originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty literati also wrote many poems describing the custom of Double Ninth hill-climbing, among which Du Fu's seven-rhythm "Hill-climbing" is one of the famous ones. There is no uniform regulation on the destination of climbing, and it is generally to climb the mountain or the tower.


  According to legend, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a plague demon in the Ruhe area. Once it appeared, people would die in every household and people would suffer. Heng Jing was one of the young men who had lost his parents to the plague, and he had been ill for some time. After recovering his health, he left his wife and children and decided to go out to find fairies to learn skills and eliminate harm to the people. He traveled across mountains and rivers to visit various masters and finally came to one of the oldest mountains and found a powerful immortal. Despite the long journey and many obstacles, Hengjing finally found the magical fairy leader and worked hard to cultivate extraordinary martial arts. One day, Immortal summoned Heng Jing to come and told him, "Tomorrow is the ninth day of September, and the plague demon will haunt again." Now that you have learned, go back and rid the people of this evil." Xian Chang gave Hengjing a bag of dogwood leaves and a cup of chrysanthemum wine and taught him how to ward off evil spirits. Hengjing returned to his hometown, and on the morning of the ninth day of September, he led his villagers to a nearby mountain according to the instructions of Xian Chang and gave everyone a Cornus leaf and a cup of chrysanthemum wine. At noon, with a strange cry, the plague demon rushed out of the Ruhe River. Suddenly smelled the fragrance of dogwood and chrysanthemum wine, and the plague magic suddenly stopped. At this time, Hengjing wielded a sword fought with the plague demon for several rounds, and finally stabbed him to death. Since then, people have regarded the custom of climbing on the Double Ninth Festival as an activity to avoid disaster. Double Ninth also symbolizes longevity and health, so the Double Ninth Festival is also called Old People's Day.


  "Seniors Day" naturally has to do something meaningful for the elderly. For example, caring for the elderly, accompanying the elderly, playing together, washing the feet of the elderly, letting the elderly feel happy, but also sharing some stories with the elderly, letting them feel happy, and no longer lonely......


  "Seniors' Day" is about caring for the elderly. In the coming days, we should accompany the elderly more, pay more attention to the elderly, and help them do something, so that they are no longer lonely, no longer lonely. This is my expectation for the Double Ninth Festival!

  "老人节"就是为了关爱老人们。在将来的日子里,我们应该多陪伴老人,多关注老人,帮助他们做一些事情,让他们不再孤独,不再寂寞。这就是我对重阳节的期望! 重阳节的习俗

  The custom of the Double Ninth Festival

  The Double Ninth Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, also known as the "Autumn Festival". Its origin can be traced back to the ancient Han custom of ancestor worship. The word "Double Ninth" is associated with good luck and longevity in Chinese culture. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month every year, people climb a mountain to worship their ancestors, drink chrysanthemum wine, and wear dogwood to pray for peace, good luck, and longevity.


  On the Double Ninth Festival, families usually go hiking together to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery and exercise. After climbing, people will eat chrysanthemum cake, chrysanthemum wine, and other special holiday food. In addition, people also wear dogwood, which is a plant with the function of warding off evil spirits and blessing. The Double Ninth Festival is also a good time to honor the elders, children will send cards and flowers to their parents or elders to express their respect and care for the elders.


  The Double Ninth Festival is the first important festival after the Mid-Autumn Festival, symbolizing the harmony of Yin and Yang and the vitality of the solar term. On this day, it is not only to celebrate but also to miss and nostalgia. After the Double Ninth Festival, people hope to get good luck, health, and happiness.

  重阳节是中秋节后的第一个重要节日,象征着阴阳相平、生机勃勃的节气。这一天,不仅仅是为了庆祝,更是一种思念和怀旧。重阳节过后,人们都希望能够获得好运、健康和幸福。 我的重阳节

  My Double Ninth Festival

  For me, the Double Ninth Festival is a time full of warmth and family gatherings. Every year, my family and I will spend this special day together.


  On crisp autumn mornings, my family would go hiking or climbing together to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery. On the way up, we would play games and laugh a lot. When I got to the top of the mountain, I could see the beautiful scenery of the whole city and felt very happy.


  In the afternoon, because relatives get together, we will have a big family dinner together. The table is filled with delicious food, including my favorite chrysanthemum cake, lotus cake, and osmanthus cake. Every year at the Double Ninth Festival, my mother cooks a special dish called chrysanthemum fish, which means beauty and happiness.


  In the evening, we will also do some activities together, such as reading ancient poems, making zongzi, enjoying the moon, and so on. Appreciating the moon is an important activity of the Double Ninth Festival. We will sit together in the courtyard and watch the bright full moon through binoculars. Under the moon, our home put a paper Kongming lamp, write down the wish, flying hope.


  The Double Ninth Festival is an annual family reunion day. We had a great time and strengthened our relationship with each other.

  重阳节是一年一度的家庭团聚日,我们度过了非常愉快的时光,同时也增进了彼此的感情。 难忘重阳

  Unforgettable double ninth Festival

  All special, solemn, and unforgettable days are the concentrated embodiment and experience of people's most ardent interests and spiritual and material needs. That is why some extraordinary days stand out, that is brilliant, and last for generations. If you forget these days because you are tired, busy, depressed, or in a special time or environment, it can become as ordinary as the days you spent uneventfully. Like today, this birthday which I presumed in my mother's vague recollection, I realized with surprise only when I found at the end of the day that the sun was falling with a special look, and hid for a long time helplessly!


  If you can, it's not too late.


  Let me, as a traveler in a foreign country, accept the vast open, cascading golden autumn sunset before me.


  Let me with calm and pleasant eyes, through the countless curling smoke covered by the green village, affectionately touch the sunset that is about to disappear in the night, as well as the night engulfed by the sunset painting.


  And the singing, intermittent, crisp, and soft. From the flowing river, that herding girl must be beautiful. Does she know it's my birthday, too?


  On the way home, all the way happy grass swaying to me welcome, all the way colorful flowers smile to me welcome. There is a group of old geese passing by, they come from my hometown, and they hurried past a few calls must be the thoughts or blessings of relatives!


  Ah, the ninth of September, the day of the fragrance of the new rice, the day of the great mystery that was once enveloped by the fireworks of the Forbidden City, the day on which great men or wise men were born in history. It will connect the number of coincidences into a carefully woven necklace, inlaid in the morning and sunset of the Mid-Autumn Festival every year, shining in the golden splendor of the chrysanthemum, and exuding a noble and elegant personality and charming gorgeous legend.


  I am also the golden fruit ripening in the autumn wind, and I happen to be the first hymn of life in the chrysanthemums in September. Today, twenty years later, I as a scholar, in various periods and various life experiences the form boldly and without regret to fill in "September 9", this floating full of fragrance and life glow of the extraordinary day.

  我也是那秋风中成熟的金色果实,恰好也是在那九月的菊花丛中发出第一声生命的赞歌。二十年后的今天,我也以文人雅士的身份,在各种时期和各种人生经历的表格上大胆而无悔地填写着“九月九”,这个飘满清香和生命辉光的非凡日子。 重阳节的意义

  The meaning of the Double Ninth Festival

  For me, the Double Ninth Festival is not only a one-day celebration, but also a remembrance and memory. This festival reminds me of my grandfather and grandmother.


  I think of my grandfather when I was young, always with a smiling face to tell me stories and teach me some of the truth of life. I still remember clearly that he took me up the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful autumn scenery together. He always drank chrysanthemum tea with me and told me that drinking chrysanthemum tea could make me healthy and long.


  At the same time, I also think of grandma always making chrysanthemum cake for me to eat, every time is very delicious. She also taught me some interesting handicraft skills, and we made chrysanthemum crafts together.


  Although my grandfather and grandmother are no longer alive, the Double Ninth Festival allows me to feel their company and love. On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, I will go to worship my ancestors and express my thoughts and respect for them.


  The Double Ninth Festival is also a time to reflect on life. I will reflect on my past year, think about my growth and shortcomings, and hope to be better in the New Year.

  重阳节也是一个思考人生的时刻。我会反思自己过去的一年,思考自己的成长和不足之处,并希望在新的一年里能够变得更好。 重阳节的变化

  Changes to the Double Ninth Festival

  The Double Ninth Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. With the changes in society, the customs of the Double Ninth Festival have changed constantly.


  In ancient times, the Double Ninth Festival was a festival to worship ancestors and climb mountains. People will go hiking, bathe in the autumn wind, enjoy the beauty of nature, and also express their awe of nature. At the same time, the Double Ninth Festival is also a good time to worship ancestors, people will go to the ancestral graves to worship their ancestors, to express their respect and gratitude to their ancestors.


  However, with the process of modernization, the way people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival is also changing. Nowadays, people are more inclined to focus on family gatherings and enjoy reunions together. They may take a trip out of town or have a family dinner to celebrate this special occasion together. Some elderly people may take part in activities organized by communities or nursing homes to spend a happy Double Ninth Festival with other elderly people.


  Although the customs of the Double Ninth Festival are changing, it is still an important traditional festival, which allows people to emphasize the importance of family and affection through gatherings and memories.

  虽然重阳节的习俗在改变,但它仍然是一个重要的传统节日,它让人们通过聚会和回忆,强调家庭和亲情的重要性。 重阳节的故事

  The Story of the Double Ninth Festival

  The Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Autumn Festival, comes from the ancient Chinese custom of worshipping ancestors. There is a story closely related to the Double Ninth Festival.


  According to legend, in ancient times, there was a wise man named Hua Tuo, who possessed the genius of medicine and extraordinary wisdom. During a trip to pick herbs, he discovered that the chrysanthemum on September 9 has great medicinal value and can prevent diseases. Therefore, Hua Tuo took many chrysanthemums and boiled them into chrysanthemum wine, which he used to treat the sick. After September 9, people followed Hua Tuo's example and drank chrysanthemum wine as a medicinal wine to get rid of diseases.


  Therefore, on September 9 every year, people will drink chrysanthemum wine, wear dogwood, and climb mountains to pray for peace and longevity. The Double Ninth Festival also becomes a good time for family reunions, people will sympathize with each other and wish each other well.


  Through the Double Ninth Festival, people can not only feel the beauty of autumn and the joy of harvest but also express their respect for their elders and memories of family affection.

  通过重阳节,人们不仅可以感受到秋天的美丽和丰收的喜悦,也可以表达对长辈的敬意和亲情的回忆。 重阳节历史

  History of the Double Ninth Festival

  The traditional Chinese festival, the Double Ninth Festival, is celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. There are many Double Ninth customs on this day, but the most common one is to eat Double Ninth cake. According to historical records, in the Northern Song Dynasty, the custom of eating Double Ninth cake at the Double Ninth Festival was very popular. One or two days before the Double Ninth Festival every year, people will make flour cakes, steam them, and put small colored flags on them to signify good luck.


  The origin of the Double Ninth Festival, collectively known as September 9, dates back to the Han Dynasty. According to the book of Fengdoji, September 9 was regarded as "Yang Day" and people would pick dogwood leaves and put them on their heads to ward off bad luck and welcome the cold of early winter. In addition, people will climb mountains and drink chrysanthemum wine to celebrate the Gao Hui, also known as the Zhuyu Hui. There is a legend related to the Double Ninth Festival and the Double Ninth Festival custom: Fei Changfang, a master of the Han Dynasty, told his apprentice Hengjing that a great calamity would strike on September 9, and families must go home immediately, wear the dogwood on their arms, and climb the mountain together. Sure enough, on September 9, Hengjing's domestic animals all died, and Hengjing and his family were protected by the teacher's words and were spared.


  The origin of the Double Ninth Festival is related to Taoism. The Book of Changes believes that Yang Line Nine represents the positive, the ancients called September the "Yang moon", and the ninth day is "Yang day", so September 9 can be understood as two Yang overlapping, so-called "Chongyang". Yang has the characteristic of firmness, and the meeting of the two Yang is regarded as the bad luck day of "two and just" by Taoism, so people seek ways to get rid of the bad luck, such as climbing the height and inserting the dogwood.


  Cornus officinalis is a deciduous tree, mainly including cornus officinalis, Evodia officinalis and Evodia officinalis. Dogwood has a spicy taste, is commonly used in Chinese medicine, and can also be used for food seasoning. There are dozens of poems in the Tang Dynasty that mention the custom of wearing Cornu's officials in Chongyang, such as "Learn from him to wear Cornu's officials when he is young", "Cornu's officials on the temples are good for longevity", and Du Fu wrote in his poem: "Next year, I will know who is in this place, and I will look closely at the Cornus officials." Wang Wei also wrote: "I know from a distance that my brother Wei is climbing high, and I will wear Cornus officials everywhere with one person." It can be seen that the Double Ninth Festival in the Tang Dynasty has evolved into a festival for scholars and scholars to climb high to appreciate the autumn, form associations, and compose poems, and the custom of wearing dogwood to ward off evil has also become a day for the wanderers who have left their hometown to miss their relatives.


  In the Song Dynasty, the custom of climbing dogwood on the Double Ninth Festival evolved into climbing a mountain and eating Double Ninth cake. It is said that the custom of eating Double Ninth cake on the Double Ninth Festival originated from a clerical error made by a scholar. Song Zi, a scholar in the Song Dynasty, believes that Liu Yuxi intended to write "every year on the Cake" when he wrote the poem "Nine Days Climbing High", but there was no "cake" in the classical literature at that time, so he had to write "high". Song Zi also wrote a poem to mock Liu Yuxi: "Liu Lang dare not question the cake word, the empty negative poetry in the I Hao." In fact, as early as the Tang Dynasty, people began to use flour to steam cakes, but it was not the custom of the Double Ninth Festival at that time. With the development of the urban economy in the Song Dynasty, the independent operation of pastry shops appeared, especially since the word "cake" was similar to the "high" sound in climbing, so eating cake gradually replaced the custom of climbing. To attract business, shop owners imitate the story of wearing Cornus officinale and put small colored flags on each cake to replace the Cornus officinale, which is specially sold before the Double Ninth Festival, called "Double Ninth cake". It can be seen that the Double Ninth cake is a new food designed by people in the Song Dynasty according to the stories of the Han and Tang dynasties, which not only integrates the habits of ancient Double Ninth customs but also is a kind of exquisite seasonal food. The original food design of the ancients is also worth learning from today!

  到了宋代,重阳节的登插茱萸的风俗又演变成了登高和吃重阳糕。据说,重阳节吃重阳糕的风俗起因于一个文人的笔误。宋代的文士宋子认为刘禹锡在作《九日登高》诗时本想写“年年上糕处”,但当时古典文献中没有“糕”字,只好写成“高”字。宋子还写诗嘲笑刘禹锡:“刘郎不敢题糕字,虚负诗中一世豪”。事实上,早在唐代,人们已经开始用面粉蒸熟的糕点,只不过那时还不是重阳节的风俗。宋代城市经济的发展,出现了糕饼店的独立经营,尤其是“糕”字与登高中的“高”音相近,于是吃糕逐渐取代了登高的风俗。店主们为了吸引生意,模仿插茱萸的故事,在每块糕上都插上小彩旗代替茱萸,专门在重阳节前销售,称之为“重阳糕”。可见,重阳糕是宋代人根据汉唐故事设计的新式食品,既融合了古代重阳风俗的习惯,又是一种精美的节令食品。古人独具匠心的食品设计也值得我们今人学习啊! 重阳节传统

  The Double Ninth Festival tradition

  The Double Ninth Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. Many places have their unique customs and food.


  On the Double Ninth Festival, there are two common foods, they are chrysanthemum cake and Double Ninth cake. Chrysanthemum cake is made of glutinous rice flour, chrysanthemum, and red dates. It is small and exquisite in shape, colorful, soft, and waxy in taste, emitting the aroma of chrysanthemum. The Double Ninth cake is made of glutinous rice flour, lotus seeds, red dates, etc. Its shape is like a small mountain, which means peace and good luck.


  These traditional foods are much loved during the Double Ninth Festival, as people make them themselves or buy them to enjoy with their families. They are not only delicious but also contain the blessing of long life and peace.


  The continuation of the customs of the Double Ninth Festival is inseparable from the production and enjoyment of these traditional foods, which constitute the unique food culture of the Double Ninth Festival.

  重阳节习俗的延续与这些传统食品的制作和享用密不可分,它们构成了重阳节独特的美食文化。 重阳节的户外活动

  Outdoor activities during the Double Ninth Festival

  On the Double Ninth Festival, everyone will rush outdoors to go hiking and climbing, enjoying the beauty of autumn and the fun of fitness.


  Early in the morning, the family will mobilize, dressed, out of the house. We walked in the autumn wind and enjoyed the colorful autumn leaves on both sides of the road. After climbing to the top of the mountain, the view of the whole city can be seen, which makes people feel refreshed.


  Another important activity on the Double Ninth Festival is to enjoy chrysanthemums. The large Ju exhibition attracts a large number of visitors to watch the colorful chrysanthemums in full bloom, emitting a subtle aroma. People will not only appreciate but also touch, smell, and photograph, to express their longing for a better life.


  In addition, some places will organize some special activities, such as folk performances, dragon boat races, and so on. We communicate and compete with each other, adding to the fun of the festival.


  The Double Ninth Festival is a great time for people to relax and enjoy the holiday. It is also a good opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends.



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